A celebration of River Rep’s artists and audience, featuring the River Rep ensemble and a talented lineup of local and visiting artists, the 2nd Annual Gala Benefit will include musical performances and staged scenes from River Rep’s 2025 season opener, the beloved fantasy classic The Neverending Story, Harold Pinter’s Betrayal, Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest, and much more!

Artists include: Arthur Aulisi, Jonathan Brody, Luna Ditacchio, Tiffany Esteb, Tibor Feldman, Donna Jean Fogel, Ellie J, Kazzrie Jaxen, Harrison Killian, Tannis Kowalchuk (artistic director, Farm Arts Collective), Raye Levine Spielberg, Cooper Quinn, Oliver Schumacher, Jason Sherwin, Jim Sullivan, Gregory Thomas, Laura Velez and Waverly Van Aalsburg. Directed by Christopher Peditto. Additional direction by Arthur Aulisi and Josh Liveright.

A full buffet will be served with delicious food from top Sullivan Catskills restaurants. A cash bar will be open throughout the event. A Silent Auction will launch online in early April and continue through Gala night, where patrons can bid on a variety of art, goods and services from local artists and businesses.

Seating is limited, reserve early! (Reserved tables available, call 646-244-3423)

Tickets $50 in advance, $65 at the door.

Purchase at myrivertickets.com.

Learn more at RiverRep.org.